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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Command and Conquer 64 System : Nintendo 64 Date Added : 2005-12-20 18:17:21 Views : 22893 All Buildings Press C-Left, then hold A + C-Right. You will hear the person give new construction options. Use opponent's structures and men Use an engineer to get into your opponent's Mobile Construction Unit. This will allow use of your opponent's structures, men, and more. Killing multiple grenadiers/flamethrowers When attacked by a group of flamethrowers or grenadiers, just kill a few of them to set off a chain reaction that will kill the rest. Infinite NUKE for NOD 800962A6 0034 800C5018 00FF Infinite NUKE for GDI 800962A6 0034 800C4E70 00FF Easier Tiberium harvesting To make the harvesting job quicker, run sand bags to the Tiberium and place a Refinery there. Then, sell the bags. Finding money Destroy the churches in the villages to find $1000. Build away from base To build away from your base, simply create a chain of sandbags to the desired location. To take over the enemy base, you can simply build sand bags directly into the enemy's base. Once you have you the sandbags in place, build Obelisks and destroy anything in the base that may be a threat to your engineers. After it is safe, simply make some engineers and send them into the enemy base. Selling vehicles Place a vehicle in the repair bay to sell it. Hidden message Remove all controllers, then turn on the Nintendo 64. Watch the opening images and text until it reaches the controller screen. Scouting If you are trying to scout land the best way is to use Stealth Tanks playing as the NOD or Suicidal Humvees as the GDI. Gold NOD weapons Play as the GDI and capture a NOD airstrip. The GDI forces there will continue to build NOD weapons with a gold tint. Cheat Mode Press B, A, R, R, C-Right, Up, Down at the start screen. Then go to replay mission, and press L for all the levels Faster training Build more than one Barrack or Hand Of NOD to increase the training speed of a unit. Mission Select At the Press Start screen, press B, A, R, R, A, C-Right, Up, Down, A. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Then select Replay Mission. Press L to display all missions and R to select your team. Zoom Hold L and press C-Up or C-Down to zoom in or out, respectively. Selling troops Place troops next to or inside the items that are being sold. For example, when playing as the GDI, build a transport and repair pad and place five soldiers in the transport. Place the transport on the pad and sell it to get full price for the item and the men. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Command and Conquer 64 cheat codes.
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